Therapy with Children and Teens

Childhood is a period of exploration, discovery and growth. Various milestones are achieved and development is facilitated. At times, this period can be compromised by life stressors such as school/academic difficulties, changes in family structures, or struggles with peers. There can also be more substantial difficulties resulting from situations like deaths, medical traumas, and divorce. Although some fears and worries are typical in children, persistent or extreme forms of fear and sadness could be due to anxiety or depression. Children are resilient and strong, but they can need some support resolving some more for more stressful situations or persistent symptoms.

Similarly, adolescence is a very turbulent and productive period where youth are coming into their identities. In this period, the reference group for youth shifts from the parents/family to peer groups. During this time, youth are trying on and practicing for what kind of young adults they want to become. This can be a very uncertain and precarious time as hormones, social media and peer pressures can cause an increased amount of stress. **Moreover, all youth have been profoundly affected during the pandemic, and their normal developmental and social trajectories have been impacted in ways they are still recovering from. As youth are struggling, they can turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance use, increased amounts of period gaming and being online, as well as some cutting/or self harm behaviors.

Using a variety of modalities (play therapy, art therapy, and talk therapy) I work with children to help them identify and express their struggles. I have found the ability to talk out their difficulties often helps to resolve the worries (real and imagined) and difficult acting out behaviors. Supportive therapy gives children and teens support in their lives to cope with stress, identify helpful and unhelpful behaviors, and improve self-esteem. Additionally, I also believe in collaborating with families and work to help parents understand and support their children. Typically I meet with kids weekly, and will provide some feedback or collaborative sessions on a monthly basis.